Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pink Zinnias

I love pink zinnias and white phlox.

Although they herald the end of the summer.


I did finally get my front borders weeded and mulched with the two truck loads of manure, secured by Ethan for me, from our local riding stable manure pile. It's pure gold to a gardener and I was thankful for a strong guy who could go and get it for me. We did get stuck again but the trusty Suburban pulled us right out!


Jon Nordberg said...

I am waiting for pictures from the are afterall the blogger of view from a backyard garden. I am wishing I was doing somthing different than working on a grandrounds presentation. I would even sign up for getting manure from the St. Lawrence pile!

Jon Nordberg said...

I am waiting for pictures from the are afterall the blogger of view from a backyard garden. I am wishing I was doing somthing different than working on a grandrounds presentation. I would even sign up for getting manure from the St. Lawrence pile!