Laura left on Tuesday.
She's on her way to a new adventure.
Saturday, Liz had a beautiful brunch for Laura and girlfriends.

We ate outside on the patio. It was a beautiful day, full of sunshine and no rain.
The German pancake, spinach quiche and fresh fruit were delicious.
And the company even better!

Then a trip to camp. The little seen, this summer, bathing suit was worn by all. A boat ride, waterskiing, wakeboarding, rescuing dogs, cookout, bonfire, s'mores, fishing, pound cake, berries, whip cream (made the Paul Brown way) and we all headed home for the night.
Serious packing began early Monday morning. Suitcases, stowed in the attic of the barn emerged and were quickly filled. Drawers emptied, books boxed and clothes from closets removed. And believe it or not, the Honda was packed to overflowing Monday night and everything fit in. Uncle Rob checked the oil and put more air in the tires to carry the heavy load.

And just when I didn't think another thing could possibly fit in, a large suitcase, small case and oh yes, "I'd better not leave my purse in my room".
A hug and a kiss and a prayer for protection and direction. And she was off.

Two years went by very quickly.
Laura came unexpectedly. We talked about it during our reunion and then a quick trip home and back in a couple of weeks to start nursing school in August.
Carol and Laura quickly became wonderful friends. And whoever was friends with Carol became Laura's friend too. She jumped right into the college and career group at CFC and was soon participating in serving and washing dishes every Sunday at the Daniels, for 100 college kids. She celebrated two birthdays here with friends quickly made.
She found out how a church family mourns and grieves for one who has gone too soon. How a body meets together and holds each other during the church service that was devoted only to her cousin's husband . She found support and love as she managed the home by herself on several occasions. She became the sister that Liz never had. And a capable dog sitter, trainer and exercise partner for three and later four large dogs.
She learned about North Country winters quickly. Four new snow tires and a lot more time in the morning for ice removal. Winter coats, sweaters, mittens and woolen hats and scarfs. The knitting began.
She participated in many medical teaching sessions, conducted around the supper table where disease entities, treatments, surgical procedures, pharmaceutical options were the conversation of the hour. And she became part of the medical community of CPH and thus knowledgeable about all the intrigues of local hospital life.
She became a life group leader, a waitress, a high peaks hiker, a tourist guide to out of town friends, a student, a teacher, a soccer player, a motor boat captain, and a part of a new family.
The next year found her navigating the streets and subways of New York City. Several trips, including Broadway musicals, and a trip to the car compound, hospital visits, Wii instruction, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. And always the family trips to Hilton Head Island. Shopping (like it or not this year!)
Soccer continued, Monday Night Madness began, and a relationship developed.
And now her time with us is done, for the moment. The future is open and bright for her. The Lord will reveal a wonderful plan to her, His plan. And we are all waiting to see what exciting things that will bring.
So we cherish the time we had with her and trust her to His hands.
"See you later" dear neice.