Monday, February 4, 2008


This seems to be very important to the men in my family. I, on the other hand, came from a family of three girls whose parents were interested in the arts, history and gardening. The opera, symphony, musicals, natural history and science museums, art museums,British history books and gardening were the main past time objectives in our home. But I have become a huge Yankee fan, thanks to my husband and three sons, and enjoy going to Yankee stadium. The trouble with the Giants seems to be that they are always breaking my men's hearts. They look good but right when you think they are going to win, some catastophe befalls them and they loose. I guess all is forgiven now that they won the Super Bowl.

Ethan called this morning very excited. He was in the thick of things in NYC last night(surprise, surprise). According to him, second avenue was completely taken over and he never hugged so many people in his life. Everybody was everyone's friend sharing this momentous occassion. He assures me that he will be talking to his children about last nights win in twenty years. He was even a bit hoarse this morning. When Elizabeth and I left last Friday there was a big sign at Yankee Stadium encouraging the Giants. New Yorkers stick together.

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