Monday, November 12, 2007

oneness in Christ

As waves of grief pour over us at times I see brothers from one family reach over to comfort brothers from another family. We are one. The love oF Christ and the burden of grief draws us together.


Anonymous said...

thinking of you guys all the time and praying. thanks for posting.

liz daniels

danica said...

mrs. nordberg,

i didn't realize you had this blog until my mom emailed today and told us to read it.

i'm so glad i found all of these beautiful entries. reading from your heart's perspective has helped me. i'm crying all over again, but it's a good cry. it's like crying with your mother arms around me, your mother words of comfort and wisdom, understanding and strength.

i love you all. ryan and i both are carrying you all in our prayers. ryan prays especially for jon. we believe there is grace for him, too.

Anonymous said...

Sunday morning, the Skoglund's "usual pew" stood empty; a very real reminder to us of your pain, your heartache, and your loss. We have all been touched by your sudden and terrible hurt. We weep with you, and we stand with you as your family during this time!

We are so thankful the Skoglunds have you, and that you have them; that you are all together. You are always in our thoughts and the heart of our prayers.

Thank you for letting us know how we can pray!

Anonymous said...

Dear Margaret, I saw Laura a few minutes ago and she gave me Liz and your blog addresses. I'll pass them on to our group. We all grieve with you; reading your words will help. Thank you for describing Christain's office --as you said, you could ask for nothing more. He was dedicated to the Lord and to Elizabeth. Thursday evening as you travelled, I asked at Mass that our St. Mary's community pray for you in your journey to Liz. You are held in prayer by the Canton community. Barbara Lee

Quinne said...

I am lifting you and your family up to the Father as He brings you to mind (so often) during the day. I am trusting Him with you. With love in Christ, Quinne

(a friend of the Sinclairs from NC)