Friday, November 17, 2017


A little fixing of this room,

A big renovation in that room,

A pulling down of a dilapidated outside porch,

And wall to wall carpeting is removed, and drawers in dressers are emptied in anticipation of moving furniture.

And "things" are discovered because said drawers have not been opened in 16 years.

But they are open now and contents revealed.

And treasures found.

An 1995 A Beka Homeschooling catalog.....funny

Fun little pencil and pen tins that they kept on their desks

Reggie Jackson rookie baseball card, which if it wasn't wrinkled would be worth thousands......okay not really but.....

Books, and papers, a microscope, notebooks, and photos and hockey, riding and lacrosse trophies, and a lot of

fond memories of my four blessings and their years at 42 East Main!

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