Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Gone

Yes, Fall is gone!

It hung on tenaciously this year in the North Country. It was warm, sunny and lovely way past our traditional fall. But, now it's gone.

Otis and I took a walk around Partridge yesterday and by the time we finished, it was snowing slightly and sporadically.

The grass is still green, but the fields are golden. The red, orange and yellow leaves have fallen, exposing bright purple and red berries. Winter food for birds and squirrels.

The milkweed pods have completely opened releasing their seed children on wings of white feathers. And the woods glisten white as the wind scatters them at will. New life next year.

And the cattails, sheding their sable mink coats, reveal tall plush brown sentinels that will stand guard over the marshes around the trail.

The white birches show their lovely trunks and branches, no longer hidden behind green bushes. And the remaining Canadian Geese are gleaning in the corn fields. Fortifying their bodies with the remaining kernels before flying south.

Fall is really lovely. A transition to a slower quieter time of year.

And this year it was magnificient.

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