Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Men Do Cry

I saw it myself.

Big men. Men who work with their hands, who hunt and fish, who fell trees and split wood. Men who have physical jobs, who are strong. Men who have strenuous lives.

These men do cry.

They cry for a joyful 14 year old lad who died tragically in a fire on Monday. They cry for themselves but mostly for his mom, his dad and his family he left behind.

And I saw pastors whose voices crack, who have to clear their throats to go on, who struggle to maintain composure because they are the ones with the message. They have been here before, too many times now. But they still ache. Different families but the same agony.

And I'm so glad that I know that "mortality is swallowed up in life",

We believe, but we still hurt.

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