Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I had a grandmother.

Actually, I had two, as does everyone else I guess.

My maternal grandmother lived on in a large house on a small estate in Larchmont.

My paternal grandmother lived in a second floor apartment in Mount Vernon, the whole time I knew her.

They have both moved on to heaven.

I always thought I would be a mother.

And I am, to four absolutely fantastic, handsome, creative, children.

But I stood still once and turned around.......and now I am a grandmother.

I never thought about being a grandmother.  It seems that I'm way too young for the role.  Although most grandmothers I know are younger than I.  Sigh

But a couple of months ago my beautiful granddaughter turned one.

One whole year of her life already experienced in her amazing life.

She is really quite brilliant, as most grandmothers know about their grandchildren.

 She can point to her nose when asked where it is!!!  And if requested to clap her hands, she does so with a big smile.

Her mom puts her hair into the cutest waterfall pony tails.  And dresses her in pink!

And her Papa and I love her to pieces.

Proverbs 17:6  "Children's children are a crown to the aged."

Psalm 103:17  "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children."

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