Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 2,2015

It was just the second day into January.

And we had a birth.

The little guy who we have all been waiting for came a week late.  His mom had been patiently living life.  Taking care of her other two.  Celebrating Christmas with us, celebrating her other child's birthday, doing puzzles, being uncomfortable, and waiting.  But he was born the second day of the year....perfect, healthy, chubby pink cheeks and alive.  Full of promise, hope, love and purpose.

We had a death.

And I cried.

I wept.  For a long time..

Not because lack of hope for him, he was strong in his faith, strong in his commitment to the Lord, and I know the Word tells us we will see him again, and he will enjoy the company of the one in whom he believed.

We won't have to debate with ourselves now, whether we should pick him up anymore. and adjust our schedule.  We won't have to look in the backseat or trunk to make sure we have room for his huge bag that he carried everywhere.  And we won't have to alter our plans to take him to his various destinations. And some of us won't receive calls specific to our influence in his life, I've got a scratchy throat, my elbow hurt, my colonoscopy date, my laser surgery, what can I take for..., do you know this crossword puzzle word.

It was an accident.

Life is tenuous at best.  My family is not unfamiliar with untimely deaths and accidents.  Even our aged who lived full, wonderful lives struggled with debilitating long illnesses and difficult deaths.  Weeping does  endure for a night and joy does come in the morning.

But January 2 has reinforced to me that there is only one thing needful.

And we are given only today to do it.  And then in His mercy, we get to do it again.  Persistently, not haphazardly, in a sort of self absorbed haze.   Not engaged in the lifestyles of our culture and controlled by misinterpreted intentions and disharmonies.

This life we've been given is finite.  It's brief at best.

We must,.... I want to, greet each day in expectant hope, tenacious faith, delightful expectation, strength of purpose and exuberant obedience.  Living in the present moment and observing His everyday epiphanies and magnificent realities.  Everyday is new for me.  Each day has meaning, a destiny which individually, we only can fulfill.  They all add up to a life that must be face with incredible tenacity, resilience, fortitude and direction.


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