Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Step Forward

No, the conservative did not win in the special election. We came close, less than four thousand votes between the two candidates. But for this next year, the 23rd district will be represented by a Democrat.

We are still instructed to pray for Mr. Owen. And I hope that we take that responsibility seriously. Just because Mr. Hoffman did not win  does not negate our responsibility to pray for those in authority over us.

I grew up in a family who was always interested in politics. They were knowledgeable about the issues and passionate about their concerns involving government. They read newspapers and listened to the then limited newscast on the 6:00pm news program. And they had common sense back in the days when they remembered what it was like to go through the great depression. We had lively conversations around the dinner table and I vividly remember sitting at my grandmother's long dinning room table, many times, listening intently to my grandparents, aunts and uncles discuss politics. Sometimes heatedly. Even when our Norwegian relatives came for visits they participated in various discussions on elections and the direction of a particular administration.

I think we have awakened to the fact that we have to be involved in the life of our country. That the responsibility for the direction that our country is up to us, both to pray and to be actively involved. I'm sure there are many people that the Lord is calling into the political sphere. And I don't think we should be afraid to enter in. "Politics is dirty, it's nasty, they play hardball, you can't get anywhere by being nice and doing right." Says who? I love proverb 24:10, If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.

I was really intrigued that this man, Mr. Hoffman, who is nothing to look at and is certainly not charismatic engaged the entire nation. We were engaged with him before Sarah Palin and Dick Armey endorsed him. We didn't need the RNC to validate our thoughts about this candidate. His candidacy was already rolling along in the North Country before the big wigs came here to lend their support.

I knew that the opposition was really nervous about Mr. Hoffman's unbelievable success when they started running ruthless smear commercials during the last week of the campaign. The term "radical right" was thrown around in every commercial. What is so radical about fiscal responsibility, not killing unborn babies and believing in traditional marriage between a man and a woman? I'm encouraged that he did not retaliate.

I thought his speech last night was encouraging so I'm including it here for those that continue to read my blog.

" America has changed, and you have helped. Although we did not succeed in winning this election, we have succeeded in making sure political parties and special interests no longer take the people for granted. I believe we have sent a powerful message and laid the groundwork for future conservative campaigns.

I congratulate Bill Owens on a hard won victory. In our tradition of free elections our country continues. And although Bill Owens has won, I believe America is turning the page to a new dawn.

The idea of freedom, sound fiscal management and citizen government have sprung back into our consciousness. Our foundling fathers would have been proud of New York 23. It was here that our principles, those that have been the foundation of our nation, came back to life with a vengeance. And it was here that the people rose up against the political bosses who tried to impose their will. It was here that people reached out to control their own destinies again.

Despite the election results, I am optimistic for our future, because now I know that I am not alone in wanting to repair our great nation. Throughout this campaign I have been inspired by the outpouring of support and the intensity of that support.

I've met many different people in this campaign, from many walks of life and many professions; each with a different personal story to share. Yet we are all united in the belief that by participating in democracy, we could inspire change.

I urge that no one feel defeated, for this was only one of many elections. We came close, we put our agenda in front of the nation and the nation took notice. The worse thing we could do now, is not continue forward. Next year there are other elections and other candidates who have drawn inspiration from our efforts.

I would like to thank all of you who placed your faith in me, who worked tirelessly and shared your enthusiasm with those around you. You are patriots, you have stood up for your country and I'm honored to stand among you."

Doug Hoffman


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us informed. I too watched your little corner of NY State, even though I am from a different part of the "upstate."

Darlene Sinclair said...

Thanks for including his speech. I missed a good part of it. This indeed was good and solid thinking. I am mightily encouraged by his words!