I'm never bored. I have enough projects, ideas, books to read, notes to write, people to visit and places to go to keep me busy for years to come1
But the other 11 beings that share the space are completely bored.
You see we have had inches of ice recently, and layers of snow the last few weeks and it is seriously impeding activity around here.
We have forbidden Otis to play ball fearing that he might fall on the ice and break his hip. The only speed he knows is all out, full speed ahead and I want to return him to Jon in the spring in one piece. So he definitely has cabin fever!
Meanwhile, the "ladies" of the barn are refusing to go outside in their yard. At first the 8 inches of snow probably would have buried them, and when I opened the door they all just backed away. None of that cold, white stuff was going to touch their skinny, bare feet and legs! Then the -20 degrees demanded that we close all doors and windows and turn the heat lamp on. Now they look at the sheer ice outside their door and have decided that they probably could not get enough traction needed to hop up the 18 inches to their door.
They're bored. Chickens are naturally inquisitive, but very skittish. The only interesting thing these days is to watch Otis' shadow as he walks back and forth across the outside barn door waiting for me to come out. I had grown large sunflowers this summer hopping to hang them from the ceiling of the coop to keep them occupied this winter, but silly me, I left them laying in the barn and in 2 days time the mice, squirrels and chipmunks devoured them. Live and learn!
These are the 4 new "girls". The white ones are just standard leghorns. While the brown ones are Ameracunas. One is laying the most beautiful blue eggs.
They haven't been named yet so I thought we might have some fun and name them now. For those who still follow this blog you know that the original 6 all are named after my Norwegian relatives. I've researched the family tree for more names which include:
Any suggestions welcome.
Although I an not bored, I have been sidelined. After navigating the ice successfully for over a week, I slipped and fell on Friday, fracturing my left wrist. I asked for a small cast in the ER but thet gave me a LARGE cast in the OR. My request was definately not granted. My friends have brought me flowers and dinners, and Rob has constructed this contraption to hold my arm up 90 degrees, night and day. I have taken my two arms and hands for granted for too long. One needs two hands for almost everything, including washing ones hands.
But I'm blessed. I get to have my hand and arm back in six weeks.
And as one of my friends reminded me....... it could have been my HIP!!!
I vote for Else,Grete,Marit,and Trude.
I pray the contraption works for you! When I was in middle school I spent a week in the hospital in traction with hopes that it would pull my broken shoulder back into place. No success.
I like Else, Solveig, Trude, and Gun -
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