I make my TV debut today on the 6:00pm news. Jon Friot called Bill this morning to see if we would do an interview about the Save Historic Canton/DOT issue. Initially I was hesitant to do the interview, I don't think I am good at extemporaneous speaking. And what I really want is to live a quiet and peaceable life in my home and backyard garden, not involved with controversial matters, at least in the public arena. However, as I have been thinking recently, we as Christians need to be the leaders in every sphere of society. We should be people of influence, isn't that really what a leader is? We should be involved in commerce, medicine, industry, environment, academia, science, government, politics, etc. to provide integrity, honesty and wisdom to our society. Why should the DOT have ultimate authority in the lives of our little residential community and the village shop keepers. Our lives should not be totally dedicated to commerce, how fast we, and the hundreds of 18 wheel trucks, can get through the village on our way to make more money to spend it on the latest "necessary" gaget. We appreciate the DOT coming into our community to make the necessary repairs on the roadbed and enabling the village to have an opportunity to repair and replace water and sewer lines. But we know, because we have lived here over decades, that a third lane will not help traffic but just increase fatalities and drastically change the character of the village. They need to realize that although US 11 is a federal highway it does go through a residential community. And the one size fits all approach that the DOT has for all it's road projects will just not fit this village. Over 1000 people signed out petition that we hastily established to present to Governor Spitzer when he visited our area last week. Given time, we could have had three times the amount of signatures. Anyway, I hope my interview went well, Mr. Friot seemed to be impressed. I pray that I represented my community and our ideas in a logical,concise and reasonable way. The board of trustees at Saint Lawrence University has endorsed our petition and the village of Canton board is drawing up a resolution of support.
On a much higher level, I am so proud, (hope that's okay), of how my children are being used of the Lord in their speres of influence. Ethan has become the face of JP Morgan on all the their brochures on the college campuses. And Christian S has flown General Casey, the chief of staff of the US Army, around while he was in Europe. Keep up the good work, always looking for opportunities from the Lord!!
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