Thursday, November 9, 2017


I promised myself I would write everyday.

Like a journal, keeping track of the days, weeks and times of my life. 

Simple as it might be.

But who knows.....maybe this will turn into something to do with family heritage, letters, relationship, businesses, faith or just living.

I have been "cleaning out".  Trying to organize and throw out, if not used.

But I have come across items that have been stored.  Because, previously I was busy with child care or community activities, or church responsibilities, or business endeavors.  I would put things away until I had time to really "look" at the item and decide what to do with it.

I don't know if this is really the time, but I'm going to try to keep an account of what I have and what I've found out about my family and it's history.  I think it is important for my children or perhaps I'm just getting old and do not want to be forgotten.

The written word keeps things forever. 

Maybe my grandchildren will read this with more interest then I had when I was younger.  I could have asked my grandparents so many questions about where they came from, what they did as children, memories about their parents and grandparents. 

But I was too busy with my own little life and subsequently my children's lives to have time, interest or ability to sit and engage with anyone about ancient history.

Now I'm going to write. 

About days. 

And times.

And loves.

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