Thursday, September 8, 2016

I Corinthians 4:1,2

"Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.  Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."  I Corinthians 4:1,2

Faithful....not perfect or absolutely correct.

But faithful.

We can all do that.

Be faithful, be committed, show up, be present.

I was visiting with some friends last week who have exemplified faithfulness to me over the 52 years that I have known them.

They are 90.  Well into their 80's they were teaching Sunday School to young children; having women and men's Bible Studies, taking people into their home who needed a temporary home, writing notes, calling friends, encouraging others, loving people.  When they moved into their home in South Carolina, she had a sign painted that sits over their kitchen door.  Bethany.  A place for respite for others.

 And they continue to love the Lord and His church, the Word and His people.

If you call or visit them, they will tell you that "The Lord has been so good to us.  He has blessed us so much.  We can't believe all the things He has done for us, given us, blessed us with."

And yet they are having to make decisions that people that age have to make.  And it is hard.

But when I leave......she gives me gifts, as usual, and a note that says:

"What a gift your coming to bless us has been!  Thank you - a taste of heaven.  I have a long way to go to take all this senior stuff  IN STRIDE!  But I have the Son of the King, no less, to help me!"

They both, have taught Rob and I, about living for Jesus, everyday in our ordinary life.

Being faithful and continuing on.......forever.