After preparing and serving a hearty North Country breakfast, complete with heirloom tomatoes, to our wonderful and fun guests, giving the "tour" of Litengard and it's gardens to over a 100 people who came as part of the EJ Noble House Tour, Rob and I went out to "A Night at the Opera".
I'm not a big opera fan but it was so enjoyable. The music inspiring and beautiful. I loved Kenneth Andrews little note in the program: "For generations, in Europe, the main form of entertainment in even the smallest and most rural towns was Opera! Whole families would consider their outing for the week to be a chance to go to the theater to see an opera production that would take their imagination to a famous city, another country, or even magical and distant land. It might take them on an emotional journey that expressed love, sorrow, tragedy, remorse, elation and perhaps even great heroic deeds - all through the melding of the stage, the score and the orchestra."
The tenor, Lonel Woods, was so entertaining. He was my favorite. He seemed to be having so fun singing and performing. And he had a fantastic voice!
My folks, for years, had season tickets to the Metropolitian Opera at Lincoln Center. They would enjoy a nice dinner down in the city and then a memorable performance at the Met. They were blessed to have seen many great operas.
Rob and I both commented after the performance that a vocal gift is a wonderful gift from God. He is always amazed at these men who compose symphonies, concertos, operas and musicals. But I always remind him that Mozart probably could not have removed some one's gallbladder or appendix.
We each have our own gift!
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