Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One Year

It was one year ago today that I had my first radiation treatment.

Laura had driven me down to the city on Thursday and stayed at Hope Lodge with me as my "caretaker" for the weekend. On Friday we went to have lunch with Ethan on Wall Street but he could not break free, so we decided to visit the Statue of Liberty and go to Ellis Island. Another day we did a practice subway run to the hospital, and only got mixed up once. We met my future friends on the ninth floor and settled into my new home for the next two months.

And now it is twelve months later and Laura is off on a new adventure of her own, Ethan has moved offices from Wall Street to Midtown, Jon is full fledged doctor and is working in Albany delivering foals, Eliizabeth has her home and garden projects finished and is working on a new unit, Christian started a second job and became an expert at chicken butchering and organic farming, we had a wonderful Nordberg/Skoglund/Fox girls week in Hilton Head with the "aunts", we moved my mother-in-law and brother-in-law up to Canton, I have a new garden shed, an expanded garden, a new venture underway and renewed energy and total hair restoration.

It's been quite a year!

And what I wrote in my journal before I left the North Country for that NYC adventure is still true:

"The whole earth is full of His glory. We, need to look out and see His everyday glory. Appreciate everyday epiphanies, our here and now beauties. Right now, today, there is a fat grey squirrel in the middle of winter, sitting on a slim crabapple branch outside my kitchen window, eating the last of the berries. Fluffly tail flashing- He's not worried- God is taking care of his needs."

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