We had a discussion about Psalm 144 a few years ago.
He and I.
He had used this Psalm in a devotional that he gave his men.
I had just had a revelation about verse 12.
And I read it again today during my quiet time with the Lord and in my systematic reading through the Psalms. I'm wondering if he had some insight into the verse, "Man is like to vanity; his days are as a shadow that passes away." He lived life to the fullest and enjoyed his work and free time. And they maximized their brief time together. But his shadow passed away more quickly than ours.
Verse 12 says, "That our sons may be a plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace."
Our sons. Those big strong guys who will do anything, go anywhere and are not afraid of anyone or anything. They are courageous. And yet, the Lord says that they may be as plants grown up in their youth. Like a plant they still need to be nurtured by the Son and watered by the Spirit. They have to learn to be tender to their wives and sisters, honest and full of integrity in their jobs, filled with wisdom and compassion in their communities and churches.
Our daughters. The Word says that they may be as corner stones. The only other reference to corner stone is Jesus in the scriptures. Ephesians 2:20 tells us that Jesus himself is the chief corner stone of our faith. What is a corner stone? The dictionary tells us that it is the basic part of something on which everything depends. I understand that Jesus as the corner stone- we are totally dependent on His faith, sacrifice, resurrection and intercession for us. He is the corner stone, our foundation, our rock on which we depend on.
How are our daugthers like corner stones? By daughters, families are united and connected. Strengths are brought to the union. Children of the two families unite and strengthen the two families. They need strength to manage the home and children while their husband is away at work. They instill integrity, honestly, love for one another and the church, discipline, respect, and love of work into their children. They are outreaches to the neighborhood and community, providing a bridge to people, to reach those around us.
The last part of the verse tells us that daughters will be polished, or the more correct translation is cut. I don't particularly like that. They will be polished after the similitude of a nice structure. A beautiful structure. The polishing of marble produces a beautiful product. But the original piece has to be strong to withstand the polishing. It has to have foundational qualities which allow it to be polished.
Was this an insight for me of things to come?
I don't know.
But I know that God is good and my daughter is as a cornerstone.
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