Romans 13:11 "And knowing the time, that it is time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off works of darkness and put on the armor of light". (italics mine)
There are many more people who will and can write more eloquently than myself on this issue but for those that still read my blog I will add my thoughts on this election.
God is interested in life.
He always has been, He always will be. All life. From the moment of conception to the last lingering breathe of those who have lived a long and healthy life. And we has a Christian community in this nation have let this holocaust of the unborn, (and it seems likely in the future our elderly and disabled), be initiated, perpetuated and gain national acceptance in our lifetime. I'm very sorry and beg for your forgiveness, Lord.
I have recently read through Judges; the ending of the book is chilling. "Every man did what was right in his own eyes". That is never good, either for individuals, communities or nations. What is good for one person, inevietably due to lack of absolutes and truths, will not be good for someone in the group. Sometimes we drift into patterns of life that for us personally are not sinful, but turning a blind eye makes us uncaring and certainly self absorbed with our own life. And we forget issues that God is certainly interested in and passionate about.
God has set before us life and blessing or death and cursing. And we has a corporate nation have chosen the latter in response to the lives of the unborn.
There are many issues in this election. I'm fairly sure that God is more interested in life, especially the life of the unborn who have no voice, than the wellbeing of our economy. God has promised to meet the needs of his people. I don't know how He will do it or how He does it on a regular basis but He does. Nature, birds, animals, plants, all creation is absolutely surrendered to God's keeping hand and they don't worry about their needs. God's enduring, sustaining love towards us in the gift of His Son, tells us each day; He loves us so much that He gave...... Will He not keep us now that we are His?
There are two viable candidates. One who thinks that life begins at conception. The other one thinks that a baby could be a "mistake" and will sign, as his first act, The Freedom of Choice Act. He is prochoice, which is pro abortion. Which is killing a life created in God's image.
We need to raise our voice as a community. Let us not give our hearts away to things that do not matter. We need to always pray and not loose heart, but we also need to take up our responsibilities and rights as Americans, a right that all Christians worldwide do not have, and vote.
"The world is too much with us; late and soon,
getting and spending, we lay waste our powers"
William Wordsworth
God help it not be so.
strong words and true. Thank you for posting!
ReplyDeleteAs for William Wordsworth's poem, it is well-placed in light of this topic--although he himself probably never intended it to rally a pro-life conviction! Why would he? Everyone knew abortion was wrong and wicked.
I love the line,"For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. "
We, as a culture, are "out of tune". It remains to be seen whether we will be moved to action or not on the behalf of the voiceless.
I pray we rise up!
Excellent post!
Good post. I love the William Wordsworth quote and your consistent response to life's questions- go to the Word. Thanks for the birthday gift; it was a very sweet thing to find a gift at my door after a long work week.
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing!