Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Comparing Now!

Viewing the accomplishments of Sarah Palin might make some of us sit back and think about our own choices and accomplishments. And comparisons are never profitable or encouraged.

So I'm sharing a quote that I have written in my journal that has encouraged me along the way. I'm sorry to say that I did not include the author when I wrote these words.....

"A mother builds something far more magnicient than any cathedral- the dwelling place for an immortal soul. No professional pursuit so uniquely combines the most menial tasks with the most meaningful opportunites."

I'm so blessed to have been able to stay at home with my children, with my husband's encouragement. That was my desire. To have the opportunity to wake up with them in the morning and share the days activities; see their development, physically, spiritually and emotionally; encourage their talents and giftings; fan each of their creativity; experience the joys of nature together; promote strong family relationships and relationships with church and community, and witness a growing awareness of and dedication to our savior and lord. For me, my choice, with God's leading and direction, was perfect.

My choice does not however diminish my great appreciation of strong, Godly women. Great women like Deborah, Miriam, and Lydia, dedicated to their God, who have used their gifts, talents and ministries for a greater cause then themselves.

Isn't it great, in God's economy, that we can all be the best that we can be under His direction.

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