The first white blooms of crocus's popped open two days ago. What a wonderful sight. A harbinger of things to come.
The daffodils and tulips are up and ready to produce a bloom. The trees and lilacs are budded.
And for the past two beautiful days I have raked tons of leaves and picked up branches from the yard. Swept pounds of sand off the driveway. Set out patio furniture. Freed the arborvitae around the brick patio, from it's protection of chicken wire and burlap. (Deer are a real hazard to greenery in downtown Canton) Watched the last vestige of snow in my garden disappear today. And generally set the outdoors of 42 East Main in order.
My lastest interest is to remove the chain link fence, which housed three kennels, (we are getting an invisible fence thanks to Liz) and begin to plan for a lovely little kitchen garden right off the back porch, all enclosed with a low white picket fence and lovely little gate.
The next dream is to build a green house in the backyard with all those old windows that are currently inhabiting the attic of the barn. The foundation and short walls will be made from the stacks of brick that we, by hand, loaded into our truck from the Reiters three years ago. I don't remember what we were going to do with those bricks originally but they have sat in between the barns for three years and now I have a great idea. The only thing missing is my partner in garden and landscaping crime....He is away again for most of this summer too. Who can grab onto my newest vision???
Laura actually sat outside today and got a sunburn. Wow, and it was just snowing last Sunday. The adventures of living in the North Country!
I think there is something redemptive about the first signs of spring. I literally laughed out loud, all by myself, walking to church, last week when I saw those first crocus blooms pushing their way to the sky!