It has been snowing and extremely cold. But it is beautiful here. The sun was shining brightly yesterday. I went to Colton to do an errand and the drive was so picturesque. The huge pines and evergreens were laden with snow, bending their branches and causing them to look like they all had lovely white ermine coats. They sparkled in the sun. The deciduous trees looked like large ripe cotton plants ready to be picked. Tufts of snow were nestled in the clefts of their branches.
I decided to take the "boys" for a walk around Partridge golf course when I returned and Elizabeth asked me to take Dyllan too. I was a bit concerned that I would be able to handle three dogs by myself but I should not have been worried. Absolutely no one else was interested in walking three miles in 0 degree weather. So we all had a lovely walk and didn't interface with a single soul. They all had a great time although Grady shivered constantly, even with his coat on.
We celebrated Jesus's birth at 42 East Main Street this year instead of in Frontana Freda, Italy. We did have a lovely time with immediate family and cousins Laura and Jen but we missed one so terribly. We did all the traditional things that we always do, baked cookies, put up our beautiful Christmas decorations, lighted a tree, bought and exchanged gifts; thought out and special for each person, we attended the Christmas Eve service with neighbors and friends and we went to NYC to see windows, Rockefeller Center and go to a Broadway musical. <
When I was returning to Canton from Colton yesterday I passed the big sign painted on a barn side with the picture of a baby which reads: "Life is a Precious Gift". Yes, life is precious and it is a gift; whether one is a fetus, neonate, 31 years old, 52 years old, 81 years old, 83 years old or 92 years old. Life is precious and it is worth protecting and cherishing. It is short no matter what. And we need to redeem the time that we have here. God first and family a close second. I saw his picture lying on Elizabeth's bed yesterday and I almost could not believe how much I loved him. I had really only known him closely for four years and in those short years he melded into our family and we loved him like our own. He belonged here with Elizabeth. We all have many questions along with our heartaches, disappointments and sorrows. But I read yesterday in Malachi 3 that the people then were saying "It is futile to serve God. What did we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? But now we call the arrogant blessed, Certainly the evildoers prosper, and even those who challenge God escape." That was wrong thinking then as it is now. God is for us, now against us. And He is good.
"Be kind, for everyone you know is facing a great battle." Philo of Alexandria
Thanks, Margaret.
ReplyDeleteI am a little envious of the availability of the walking trail and the beautiful countryside...
On the other hand, I understand your reaction to the picture. We see his picture everywhere; sometimes I almost want to put them away.
But God is good - someone mentioned Nahum 1:7 to me the other day; the contrast between verse 7 and verse 2 is stark. I choose refuge!
Thanks again.
I'm one of the Racine Remnant who still checks your blogs daily. This is another lovely and pastoral entry. Thanks for choosing to allow us to peek in on your family's journey.
ReplyDeleteThat Philo quote has been my pastor husband's email signature for a couple of years now. I've never thought it so profound as in the context in which you put it.
Praying for you all.
Stephanie in Racine
Thank you so much for posting. The Philo quote was powerful and one I had never heard before. It was also one I needed to hear today.
ReplyDeleteNot bad for a 2000-year old Pharisee from Alexandria Egypt. :)
P.S. You may be thinking I should have written "read" instead of "heard" or "hear" in the above comment. Well, I guess my secret is out: I read out loud except when in public. Even then I often move my lips.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Life is so precious and everyone is facing a great battle. It is short and as you say, we need to cherish every single second of it. I just wrote a posting today on my blog site - - with regard to not taking life for granted and so much more. My prayers are still being said for Liz and your entire family as well as the other families.
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you and your family Margaret,
Nancy C.
You're photo of the highway looks like it's on RT68 just before the top of Windy Hill where it becomes Thomas country!!! Corcoran Rd. to the left, water tower straight ahead!
ReplyDeleteI was so glad to see you at church!
Cathy T.