I went to a tea party today but not the kind where flowers, cakes and china cups are the main bill of fare.
This was a tea party in our own small little village of three thousand people protesting, mainly, the intervention of big government into every little aspect of our lives. We don't like the huge tax bill that we will be saddled with either.
Yes, in this very liberal little village there were a hundred or more of us who said, "no more of this" and we used our right as US citizens to protest. Liz, and Grady and I walked down to the village green to support our local protesters. We shared signs and signed petitions and generally had a good time with fellow peaceful protesters. But the big surprise was that many, many cars and trucks blew their horns in our support. It was mid day and there was a lot of traffic.
I think there may be more of us then they think!